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Meet NELA's Newest Superheros!

Incoming Vice-President/President Elect - Jennifer He

Jennifer has been a member of NELA since 2018, where she currently serves as chair of the ITS section. She is passionate about helping librarians incorporate technology into their work to enhance their productivity. She has led conferences and “In the Know” sessions on topics such as designing websites, chatbot integration, digital makerspaces, multilingual translation tools, Google Analytics, social media automation tools, and accessibility and usability standards. During her latest presentation, Jennifer shared insights on how the use of AI chat, image, and video generators can assist librarians in enhancing their work.

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Meet Your '23-'24 Candidates for NELA's Executive Board

NELA is pleased to announce an excellent slate of candidates for the positions of Vice-President/President Elect, Member-at-Large, and Treasurer for the 2023 - 2024 Executive Board. All people with active NELA memberships should have received a ballot from NELA's official QuestionPro account on Tuesday, June 13th. We have gotten feedback that some people have been finding it in their spam folder. If you have an active membership, and you have double-checked your spam folder, and you still are not seeing a ballot, please email Megan Bishop at [email protected].

Candidates for Vice-President/President Elect

Jennifer He | Lee Shaw

Jennifer He

Jennifer has been a member of NELA since 2018, where she currently serves as chair of the ITS section. She is passionate about helping librarians incorporate technology into their work to enhance their productivity. She has led conferences and “In the Know” sessions on topics such as designing websites, chatbot integration, digital makerspaces, multilingual translation tools, Google Analytics, social media automation tools, and accessibility and usability standards. During her latest presentation, Jennifer shared insights on how the use of AI chat, image, and video generators can assist librarians in enhancing their work.

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2022 Impact Report

2023 NELA Call for Elected Officer Nominations

The Call for Nominations is now open! NELA is seeking candidates for the open positions of Vice President, Member at Large, and Treasurer. Details about each officer position, including the length of term, meeting commitments, and basic duties can be found on the NELA website here:

Nominations Form

Service on the NELA Executive Board in an officer position is a chance to help drive the decisions of our library association and to help set future directions to continue supporting librarians in New England. This is an exciting time to join the leadership of NELA as we continue to grow our membership.

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